Business Canvas
This is a tool for describing and mapping the key elements of the business plan of the company. Laystone Consulting uses it to help clients frame a project for new services in order to structure and prioritize a project roadmap as a whole. All the necessary measures, from the business to the technical aspects, for implementing a new product or service are outlined. An exhaustive and prioritized action plan is developed for each component of the business model.
Our offers

Project roadmap
Upon completion of the mapping process with the managers, sharing and describing a project roadmap enables the prioritization of all necessary actions for launching an innovation or new service, taking into consideration business, marketing/communication, legal, technical, and financial perspectives.

Facilitation of work
The aim is to bring together a focused team of clients, comprising of General Management, Marketing, or Business lines, following preparatory work involving market analysis, internal audit, and monitoring. The goal is to define the 9 components of the service business model: value proposition, customer relationship, customer segments, distribution channels, key resources, key activities, partners, revenue streams, and cost structure.